segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Força, Delicadeza e Fragilidade Universal

Sobre a possibilidade de opressão de gerações passadas sobre gerações presentes e futuras, principalmente, sobre a delicadeza necessária, e que muitas vezes não temos, para lidar com os sentimentos de crianças... e sobre alfabetização, desenvolvimento cognitivo na política institucional e a possível insuficiência do sufrágio universal como forma de participação política (não que não tenha sido importante como conquista histórica - ao contrário - ou que seja desnecessário, ou que deva ser abolido, mas talvez precise estar associado a outras formas de participação política e práticas de pertencimento para que tenha força de fato).

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

Behemoth, The Evil Loaf of Bread

There are many images of the biblical character Behemoth, who was challenged and won over by Leviathan in the Book of Job, such as William Blake's:

In the biblical world, Behemoth lived on firm ground, Leviathan lived in the underworld waters of the abyss, and the ruling of Behemoth followed the single principle of "no rules, no laws". In this TV show, however, Behemoth is a petite-size pet hippo who theoretically "belongs" to Predator of the Psyche and Sophisticated Pleasures of the Artificial Needs.
But Behemoth doesn't belong to anybody. He would rather think his owners belong to him, but really, in his mind, no one belongs to anybody, period.
Aside from "The Book of Job" and Thomas Hobbes, Behemoth is also partly inspired in Kozo, but his body is a loaf of bread to indicate Hobbes' heretic underlines and his paws are rollerblade wheels
just for the sake of surrealism.
Behemoth, the Evil Loaf of Bread, is, above all other characteristics, a crazy hippo. He will do whatever he wants and the only answer he will ever give anyone is “No say no!” and continue rolling around doing whatever he feels like doing. He´s often moody, pissed off and mischievous, and occasionally might also say "fuck you!" to who or what he considers to be an interesting target to annoy or an obstacle in his way. Behemoth is absolutely sure he is more powerful than the human couple Predator of the Psyche and Sophisticated Pleasures of the Artificial Needs, and that he is the sovereign source of importance not only in Kingdom of Darkness , but of existance as a whole.